Released just this year, Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning is another addition to the popular MMORPG or massively multiplayer online role playing game. Termed "War," the game was developed by Mythic Entertainment and was based off the setting of "Warhammer Fantasy." The game is basically set in a way that there are two separate warhammer online armies fighting: the armies of order and the armies of destruction. Each army is further divided into separate armies which has three to four class choices. The class, which is often referred to as a "career" in Warhammer Online, has about four divisions per army: tank, Melee DPS or Damage Per Second, Ranged DPS, and Healer. Take a look into other warhammer online order and destruction armies guides for more information on how to improve your game play.
The Armies are yours for the taking when you play the game. However, you have to look into a variety of aspects before you start picking the army of your choice. Each army has, of course, a different set of skills. They have varied troop types as well, including magical abilities. Each army also has a distinct war gear. All in all, there are six basic armies in Warhammer Online: three for the armies of order and three for the armies of destruction. Under the armies of order are the dwarfs army, the empire army, and the high elves army. Under the order of destruction are the greenskins army, the chaos army, and the dark elves army.
Leading the armies, under the division of the Armies of Order, is the Dwarfs Army which is sometimes known as the Oathbearers. They got this denomination because of their sworn allegiance to the High King. The dwarfs army is made up of tenacious warriors who always have to defend their hoards. The Empire Army is also known as the "Order of the Griffon." Its emperor is Karl Franz. They are comprised of priests, wizards, and warriors who must defend their realm. They answer only to Karl Franz, the emperor. Finally, for the armies of order, there is the High Elves which are also known as the Shining Guard. They are led by Prince Tyrion, a legendary warrior. They must defend their island, Ulthuan, while their Phoenix King is away fighting alongside the army of the Empire.
The other division of the armies is the Armies of Destruction which is further grouped into the Greenskins, Chaos, and Dark Elves. Orcs and goblins form the Greenskins Army. Their leader is named Grumlok. Their archenemy is the Dwarf Army. The Chaos Army is true to its name: it must create chaos by destroying everything that is in their way. They pay worship to four gods: Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaanesh, and Khorne. If the main enemy of the Greenskins are the Dwarves, for the Chaos Army their archenemy is the Empire Army. Last on the list is the Dark Elves. They used to be High Elves. Their king is Malekith, also known as the Witch King---who always wants to take the throne of the Phoenix King. The Dark Elves worship the Elven God of War and they do so by sacrificing humans. The Dark Elves live in Naggaroth. In Warhammer Online, the Dark Elves are usually pitted against High Elves. Having a warhammer online order and destruction armies guide will help you with your game.
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